Fulfills all requirements and attends to NS9416
Unik’s fish barrier has been specifically developed to prevent fish from escaping the main drain at hatcheries and is designed to safeguard NS9416. We can deliver complete barrier systems, adapted to each individual facility, and which meet the requirements and expectations of both users and supervisors.
Capacity – HSE – fish welfare
The fish barrier can be delivered for installation with adaptation in the existing channel system outside the facility. Alternatively, the fish barrier can also be delivered complete in a prefabricated filter box – in this case “plug and play”.
The fish barrier stops fish as small as 5 grams, all the way up to 500 grams, with fish barrier capacity up to 20,000 liters a minute. If additional capacity is desired, we recommend building parallel lines. This solution will provide increased preparedness and ensure later service and follow-up of the escape system.
Fish are gently taken out of the sewage system and directed to their own collection tank through a registration system.
The fish barrier can easily be integrated with extended water treatments to apply the filtering of wastewater from the aquaculture facility. In this case, we use our in-house manufactured mechanical strainer system: UNIK BAND FILTER.
Reliable and efficient – simple service
The barrier has very few moving parts and only uses mechanical operation. By using a sensor, all fish that enter the barrier will be registered. The barrier actively stops the fish before it reaches the river or sea. Sieves are fitted around/over the fish barrier ensuring complete safety in case of an incident.
The fish barrier is self-cleaning. Because of the rotating cloth, the barrier always stays clean. Fish are then gently taken out of the barrier.
The fish barrier consists of maintenance-free material, plastic and stainless steel.