Private storage – good deals

In addition to our own product stock of LIT and Unik parts, we have negotiated purchasing agreements with our partners. This allows us to ensure quality products at competitive prices for our customers.

Buy original parts – keep the warranty

In order to keep the warranty during the warranty period, it is worth noting that manufacturers often require that service and maintenance be carried out by the supplier’s own company, or a company approved by the supplier. Warranties also include the use of original parts.

Sole dealer of LIT UV and dealer for AMIAD

To ensure operation, effectiveness, expected lifetime and warranty of LIT and Amiad products, original products must be used during the warranty period. Only Unik Filter system sells original parts from LIT.

Unfortunately, we have found that competitors will advertise LIT parts. We kindly point out that these are not original parts.

Unrest in today’s world creates longer delivery times and price increases

The pandemic and the war in Ukraine are creating major ripple effects. Manufacturers face many challenges in obtaining enough raw materials, and there are reports of major transport delays. Therefore, we recommend all our customers to order parts ahead of time and get an overview of your private storage regarding critical parts that one should have on hand to avoid downtime.